- Celebrate your child’s acceptance to Fay!
- Submit your deposit by February 1 to reserve your child’s place in the class. Watch for an email at the end of the month with a link to your enrollment contract. Details and deadlines are in your student’s acceptance letter. You will receive the enrollment contract at the end of this month.
- Follow our social media accounts for photos and updates on school events and campus life:
Facebook (Fay School - Southborough)
Instagram (instagram.com/fayschoolma)
YouTube (youtube.com/fayschoolma)
- Sign and return the enrollment contract. Your child is not fully enrolled until both the signed contract and deposit are returned to Fay. Details and deadlines are in the email with the link to the enrollment contract.
At this point, you’re all caught up! The next required items won’t take place until April, but here are a few suggestions for other ways to prepare for the fall:
- Stay up-to-date on Fay news by checking out the News channel on our home page (fayschool.org). You can also read past stories at our News Archive (fayschool.org/news-archive).
- You’ll receive the first of many What’s New at Fay? updates in February. The February issue will include stories on some of our favorite curricular projects from the winter term.
- Explore our website to learn more about life at Fay! Our Family page (fayschool.org/families) includes announcements, links to helpful resources, and contact information for school leaders.
- Check out our packing list if you’re already thinking about what to bring to Fay in the fall!
- Read the March issue of What’s New at Fay? which will include more curriculum highlights from the winter term.
- Begin the I-20 application process (only for students needing an F-1 Visa to attend school in the United States). Sterling Fitzgibbons (sfitzgibbons@fayschool.org) will email families about the I-20 and F-1 Visa application process and provide instructions for submitting the required documents.
- Set up your Fay account. You will receive an email from Fay with information about how to access our secure portal where you will be able to access and share key information about your student.
- Take the math assessment. Fay’s online math assessment tool is for grades 7-9, and our Math Department Chair uses the results of this assessment to help determine class placement for the fall. No preparation is required, and we will email you with the information you will need to log in and complete the assessment.
- Read the April issue of Fay’s New Family E-News.
- Visit our Welcome New Students webpage, which will go live in mid-May, at fayschool.org/welcomenewstudents. This web page provides answers to commonly-asked questions as well as helpful information about requesting programs of study, accessing required summer reading and math work, and setting up your Tuition Management Account. This page will be your primary source of information between May and the start of school. Be sure to review the academic calendar and note key dates, including student arrivals and departures for vacations.
- Schedule your child’s physical exam and upload your child’s health forms. All families are required to upload health forms to Magnus, our secure health records portal. A list of required immunizations may be viewed here. Please be aware that all medical reports must be submitted and approved before your child will be allowed on campus this fall, and that all forms must be submitted in English.
- Send first of your ten monthly tuition payments if you have registered for the ten-month payment plan.
- Submit the academic program request form, which is sent out in early May; the deadline for submitting the form will be clearly indicated.
- Read the May issue of Fay’s New Family E-News.
- Submit your child’s final transcript. Remind your current school to send a copy of your child’s final report card directly to admission@fayschool.org as soon as it is available.
- Complete required summer reading and math work. You can find information about the required work for your student’s grade at the Welcome New Students webpage.
- Purchase school supplies. The supply list for your child’s grade will be available at the Welcome New Students webpage.
- Read the June issue of the Fay E-News.
- Make sure all health forms are uploaded to the Magnus Health portal before August 1.
- Be on the lookout for welcome letters from the Head of Upper School and the Director of Residential Life.
- Read the July issue of the Fay E-News, which will include helpful information about the start of school, including a link to the Student and Family Handbook.
- Keep checking the Welcome New Students webpage for the latest information and updates (fayschool.org/welcomenewstudents).
- Submit your child’s travel information for their arrival to school before August 8, 2025.
- Read the August issue of the Fay E-News, which will include the schedules and detailed information for Orientation and the Opening of School.
- Keep checking the Welcome New Students webpage for the latest information and updates (fayschool.org/welcomenewstudents).
- Boarding students arrive to campus Tuesday, September 2, 2025.
- Classes begin Wednesday, September 3, 2025.